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Research shows that environment plays a crucial role in determining what, and how much, we eat. Here’s how to take control so you can stay on track with your healthy eating plan.
Does the following scenario sound familiar? You stay on-track all day, only to come home, exhausted and famished, and binge on your 13-year-old’s Cheetos. You end up annoyed and frustrated, wondering why you don’t have more self-control.
Well, forgive yourself. Research shows that your environment plays a crucial role in determining what, and how much, we eat. The solution is to take control of your environment, and the first step is to become the Nutrition Gatekeeper. That’s the term used by food marketers to describe the person in the family who primarily determines what food comes into the house. The Nutrition Gatekeeper is also a key determiner of the food environment in your household, and may make or break your medical weight loss program. Here’s how to take back control in your house:
Next Steps:Try these 5 simple kitchen shortcuts to save time.
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